miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2007

I Wonder...

Ok, so here I am back with a post... This time it's to show all the people that visit my blog a video about a contestant in Miss Teen Usa who replied a question in a really crazy way, here you can see the original one ... I wonder if all the blonde girls in USA are actually like her ? If that's the true then now I understand why they chose Bush hahaha... This video really gives answers to the theories of BIMBOS, blondes that don't seem to be on this planet, always worried about their physical appearance and 0 personality... I hope there aren't many here in Maracaibo, but maybe just maybe I'M ABSOLUTELY WRONG HAHAHA... Hope you like it...

UPDATE: I found this video on myspace, it's a spoof on the previous video ... hahaha

Miss Teen USA Spoof by: William Sledd

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2 comentarios:

Doris Molero dijo...

Hi, Diego! You are still blogging.. That's great! Good for you... But please, have mercy on the poor girl... maybe she was just nervous... remember you're a gentleman... the poor thing probably feels terrible about everything... Saying that Blondes are not intelligent is not right. You're really smart and I know you have a great heart... Let it shine my friend!

A warm hug to you!

Anónimo dijo...

teacher's right HAHA
just kiddin'